Category: News

Home News

Haringey residents start chant for key workers

Every Thursday at 8pm the nation cheers for our key workers. It started last week, led by the campaign Clap For Our Carers, who brought people of all ages out onto their balconies, their verandas and porches, some bringing pots and pans, to cheer for those fighting hard to remedy the crisis. This evening in...

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How to help your community during the coronavirus lock down

With a disaster like coronavirus, some would expect rioting and chaos to ensue. But instead we’ve seen an outbreak of community spirit with a myriad of support groups and apps starting across the country to support those in isolation. As journalist George Monbiot noted in the Guardian yesterday, “the horror films got it wrong. The...

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Local children’s hospice faces fight for its future

With the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, Noah’s Ark Children’s Hospice is facing a fight for its future. The charity, which supports seriously unwell children and their families in North and Central London and Hertsmere, is facing an income shortfall of more than £2m this year – over half of its projected income. Noah’s Ark...

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Council warns residents about coronavirus scams

Members of the community throughout Haringey are being asked to look out for signs of their neighbours being targeted by doorstep criminals, according to Haringey council. There are genuine groups of volunteers providing help for those in self-isolation or who need essential supplies such as food or medicine. However, there are reports of criminals preying...

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Police disperse gathering in Chestnuts Park

A group of about ten were holding a barbecue in Chestnuts Park, St Ann’s ward, before being dispersed by the police this Tuesday. Those present flouted government coronavirus regulations which forbid public gatherings of more than three people. A local named Mel saw the group while on a walk with the dog in the park....

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Video: protesters demand coronavirus protections for Downhills Park construction workers

Residents of Keston Road, who live within sight of a development in progress next to Downhills Park, were unimpressed by the manager’s apparent lack of concern for the workers’ health.  They noticed that the workers seemed to be operating closer than two metres apart from one another, despite government regulations. In response, the residents staged...

Royal Mail

Royal Mail persists with deliveries despite coronavirus

Connecting us throughout this difficult time, the postal service has become an increasingly vital part of our community. Royal Mail released a statement today announcing that they will remain open with precautions in place to protect its workers and customers against the virus. Royal Mail spokesperson, Shane O’Riordain announced: “From today we have introduced a...


“True shaft!” – burglars break into True Craft pub

Beloved local pub and pizzeria, True Craft on West Green Road, Tottenham, was broken into in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The four perpetrators, who were caught on camera, broke through the shutter at around 6.30am and stole cash, an iPad and the Deliveroo tablet. This means locals will not be able to order...


How Haringey’s homeless are coping with coronavirus

For many of us this is a worrying moment to live through, none more so than those without a roof over their heads. The NHS recommends self-isolating if you experience the symptoms of coronavirus. But how is this possible for rough sleepers?  Martin Stone is the leader of Muswell Hill Baptist Church soup kitchen, which...