New beginning on the horizon for Love Lane Estate residents

New beginning on the horizon for Love Lane Estate residents

Love Lane Estate is set to be transformed with 500 new council homes and community facilities, bringing a new beginning for residents a major step closer.

Last night (Thursday) the council’s planning sub-committee resolved to grant planning permission for the redevelopment of the estate.

In September last year, tenants and leaseholders at the Tottenham estate backed council plans for its redevelopment, following the first-ever ballot of its kind in the borough.

An extensive engagement exercise delivered a resident-led, placemaking set of proposals on which residents were asked to vote.

All current tenants and those in temporary accommodation are guaranteed a high-quality, sustainable home at council rents with a secure tenancy on the rebuilt estate, as well as 250 families on the waiting list.  Delivery of the scheme will also solve problems of overcrowding.

Leaseholders will be offered financial support from the council to buy an affordable home, either on the redeveloped estate or elsewhere.

Cllr Peray Ahmet, Leader of the Council, said: “Our collaborative approach to redevelopment means residents had the all-important final say on the future of their neighbourhood at a ballot last year.

“For the council and our residents, keeping the community together and providing warm, safe, high-quality council homes surrounded by the very best community facilities has been the top priority.

“This decision marks an exciting major milestone and paves the way for us to deliver on our collective ambitions and a bright future for the community.

“As we take the next steps in the process, we will continue to listen to the views of residents and work together to shape the scheme’s design, the layout of the new homes and the community improvements.”

The decision involved a full planning application for the initial phase, including building council homes south of White Hart Lane in an area called Whitehall Mews, along with outline planning for the remainder of the masterplan.

The redevelopment will deliver on residents’ priorities for better leisure and community facilities including a new park, public square, refurbished community hub and world-class library and learning centre, and bring £10m of funding for social and economic programmes for the community.

Other key elements include the creation of work, business and retail spaces in a revitalised town centre and a dedicated support programme to help local businesses thrive.

More than 3,500 jobs and 1,500 training opportunities will be created, and a council team assembled to ensure local people have the skills for the new jobs.

The scheme is supported with £90m of funding secured from the Mayor of London.

Planning permission for the redevelopment is subject to the signing of a S106 legal agreement and a decision by the Mayor of London.   Permission for further details on various phases of the scheme will be sought in due course.